5th Day..
WaKe Up 6.30am in thE moRning for SunSet..A short DistanCe away from my Motel is thE plAce whEre wHite anD blAck Sand mEets..
FouNd tHis liTtle "siAo bai" wHile Hanging AloNg the Beach.
GoiNg Back to Hotel for Our BreakFast..
We lEft thE beaCh around 11pm with a renTed Van which coSt us usd10.. it took uS aBout 40 min to reAch the AirpoRt.. ouR day enDed wiTh a KFC riCe pAck...
We lEft thE beaCh around 11pm with a renTed Van which coSt us usd10.. it took uS aBout 40 min to reAch the AirpoRt.. ouR day enDed wiTh a KFC riCe pAck...
p/s: ServiCe chArge RP150000 is nEeded wheN you Are inTended to go on abroad..
Sometimes something turned out to be much better than you anticipated...this is life:)
Wah, you mean need to pay about RM50 just to get out of bali?
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